

We do not wish to reduce your enthusiasm in the activity you are about to participate, our only concern is make sure you are informed of the possible risk. All the services Safe Mexico Group We do not share your personal data with others aside from Safe Mexico Group.

I (we), understand and agree that there has been no pressure what so ever by the staff of Safe Mexico Group in order to use the facilities and services offered by Safe Tours Cozumel, Safe Tours Riviera Maya, Safe Tours Cancun and/or Safe Snorkeling Cozumel and that it has been my absolute will to participate in this activity and to the date of signature of this agreement I am (we are) physically and mentally in good health. I am (we are) not pregnant. I (we) do not have any heart, back, shoulders or knee injuries.

Due to the above, I (WE) HEREBY PERSONALLY ASSUME ALL RISKS in connection with the services of Safe Mexico Group, for any harm, damage, injury or death which occur while I am (we are) participating in the activities, including without limitation, whether foreseen, all risks connected with the services offered by Safe Mexico Group.

That as participant in the snorkeling activity offered by Safe Mexico Group, I (we) have been previously informed of the use of these services and the risks involved to which I (we) may be subject have been clearly and precisely explained to me (us), of which I (we) accept and assume all in each of their terms.

I (we) have been informed me that all the guides and instructors Safe Mexico Group has, are duly certified and professionals in snorkeling tours. Due to the above I (we) hereby agree to follow the instructions provided by them, assuming in this act all the responsibility that the lack of fulfillment of this may cause, even to third parties.

I (we) declare I (WE) UNDERSTAND THE TERMS of this document same which was explained in all this content by Safe Mexico Group and that I (we) have signed by my free will and without any pressure to do it. I (we) verify that I am (we are) not under the influence of alcohol or any other substances at the moment of its signature and/or during the tour.

Based on the above, I (we) agree to release Safe Mexico Group, its agents and/or employees and/or shareholders, present or future, from all claims, damages, losses injuries and expenses arising out of, or resulting from my participation in these activities. I (we) further agree not to sue, by any means, civil, criminal, or any other, Safe Mexico Group or any of the aforementioned agents and employees.

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